Creating a Map that Provide respected Contacts when passing Account ids
Now using that map in our code to do operation on Contacts
Map<Id, List<Contact>> AccountIdVslistContacts = new Map<Id, List<Contact>>(); for(Contact ConInstance: [SELECT AccountId,Id FROM Conatact]) { if(AccountIdVslistContacts.containsKey(ConInstance.AccountId)) { List<Contact> Contacts = AccountIdVslistContacts.get(conInstance.AccountId); Contacts.add(ConInstance.Id); AccountIdVslistContacts.put(ConInstance.AccountId , Contacts); } else { AccountIdVslistContacts.put(ConInstance.AccountId, new List<Contact> { ConInstance }); } }
Now using that map in our code to do operation on Contacts
List<Account> AccountList = new List<Account>(); AccountList = [SELECT Id FROM ACCOUNT LIMIT 100]; for(Account AccInstace:AccountList){ //One by one Account will Enter in Loop //We will Pass that Account Id in Map and get those Contact ids for(Contact conInstance:AccountIdVslistContacts.get(AccInstance.Id)){ //Do your logic on Each Contact one by one } }
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