
Wednesday 12 April 2017

Wrapper Class: Showing Records in Same Column

In below example i have shown you how we can collect records from different Object in a single
List and shown them in Visualforce page.

We will be user Case and Lead Standard Object to perform this Task ,First i will show you
how we can collect records belongs to different Object in single list and show those records in Same column.

Wrapper Class:-

global class wrapDelete {        
    public wrapDelete (){}
    Global class wrapDeleteInner{        
        global Case CaseObj{get;set;}
        global Lead LeadObj{get;set;}
        global wrapDeleteInner(){}
        global List<wrapDeleteInner> getDeleteList(){            
            List<wrapDeleteInner> wrap = new List<wrapDeleteInner>();
            for (Lead l:[Select id,name from Lead limit 5]){
                wrapDeleteInner wr = new wrapDeleteInner();
                wr.LeadObj = l;
            for (Case C:[Select id,CaseNumber from Case limit 5]){
                wrapDeleteInner wr = new wrapDeleteInner();
                wr.CaseObj = C;
            return wrap;                                

Visualforce Page:-

<apex:page Controller="wrapDelete">       
     <apex:dataTable value="{!DeleteList}" var="item">
          <apex:column headerValue="All Records(Lead and Case)">            
          <apex:outputField value="{!}" />         
             <apex:outputField value="{!item.CaseObj.CaseNumber}" />

Output :-

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